Why the Funeral Industry Is Trying to Keep You in the Dark?

The funeral industry has a million-dollar secret they don’t want you to know: Your emotional barriers are their cash cow.

That uncomfortable feeling you get when thinking about final expenses? It’s music to their ears. Your procrastination? They’re banking on it.

Every day you avoid planning is another day they can potentially overcharge your grieving family.

But here’s the kicker: Final expense planning doesn’t have to be a nightmare. In fact, it can be simpler than assembling that Swedish furniture you’ve been avoiding.

In the next few minutes, we’re going to pull back the curtain on the funeral industry’s tactics and show you how to:

  • Break through those emotional barriers
  • Protect your family from financial stress
  • Take control of your final wishes

Are you ready to beat the industry at their own game? 

Here we go.

Why We Avoid Planning for Final Expenses

Picture this: You’re enjoying tea with a relative when they suddenly ask about your final expenses. Talk about a mood killer, right?

But they have a point. Many of us avoid this topic. Let’s look at why:

The “La La La, I Can’t Hear You” Approach

We often think if we ignore final expenses, they’ll go away.

Newsflash: They won’t.

It’s like that pile of laundry in the corner – pretending it’s not there doesn’t make it disappear.

The “I’ll Do It Tomorrow” Trap

Procrastination is so easy with this topic.

“I’ll do it next week” turns into next month, then next year.

Before you know it, you’re celebrating another birthday and still haven’t planned.

Family Matters: It’s Complicated

Discussing final expenses with family can be awkward. Here’s why:

The “I Don’t Want to Be a Burden” Mindset

We don’t want our families to worry. But here’s a hard truth:

By not planning, we might create a bigger burden.

It’s like refusing to use a map on a road trip and getting hopelessly lost.

The Family Feud Factor

Some families avoid the topic to prevent arguments.

But isn’t a slightly awkward conversation now better than a family feud later?

How to Face Final Expense Planning (Without Panic!)

Now, let’s talk about how to approach this topic. Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as it seems.

1. Reframe Your Thinking

Instead of seeing it as planning for the end, think of it as an act of love.

You’re being considerate, not morbid.

2. Take Baby Steps

Start small. Maybe begin by talking about your wishes with a trusted friend.

Remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day.

3. Talk to a Trustworthy Insurance Advisor

A good advisor can be your guide in the world of final expense planning.

They can:

  • Explain confusing terms
  • Listen to your worries
  • Help you see the big picture

Tip: Make sure they’re licensed and experienced.

4. Get Some Backup

Consider talking to a financial advisor who specializes in final expense planning for seniors.

They can provide objective advice and keep you on track.

5. Make It a Family Discussion

Involving your loved ones can make the process less scary.

Idea: Make it a family discussion over a meal. Everything’s better with food!

Money Matters (Even When We Wish It Didn’t)

Let’s talk about the elephant in the room – money.

The “I Can’t Afford It” Myth

Many avoid planning because they think they can’t afford it.

But not planning can be more expensive in the long run.

It’s like avoiding car maintenance only to end up with a huge repair bill later.

Breaking the Money Taboo

In Canada, we often avoid talking about money. But with final expenses, we need to break this habit.

Start small – maybe discuss general financial goals with a trusted friend.

Embracing Technology (It’s Not Just for the Young!)

Technology can make final expense planning easier. And no, you don’t need to be a tech wizard!

Online Resources and Tools

There are many online resources designed for seniors planning final expenses.

It’s like having a personal assistant guiding you through the process.

Virtual Consultations

You can now get expert advice from the comfort of your home.

No need to brave the Canadian winter for a consultation!

Flexibility is Key (Because Life Happens)

Your final expense plan should be flexible. Life changes, and your plan can too.

Regular Check-Ins

Set a reminder to review your plan yearly.

Think of it like your annual check-up, but for your finances.

Keep Your Loved Ones Informed

Let your family know about any changes to your plan.

It’s a small action that can make a big difference.

Hidden Gems of Final Expense Planning

Here are some often-overlooked tips that can make a big difference:

  1. Pre-plan your funeral: It ensures your wishes are met.
  2. Plan for your digital assets: What happens to your online accounts?
  3. Share stories, not just stuff: The meaning behind items matters.
  4. Create a “When I’m Gone” folder: Keep all important documents in one place.
  5. Review after life changes: Marriage? New grandchild? Update your plan.
  6. Consider emotions, not just finances: Some decisions might look good on paper but be emotionally tough.
  7. Plan for pets: Include care plans for your furry friends.
  8. Explore green options: There are eco-friendly burial alternatives.
  9. Use planning apps: Technology can help organize your plans.
  10. Consider charitable giving: Leave a lasting positive impact.

Final expense planning doesn’t have to be depressing. It’s about peace of mind for you and your loved ones.

Just remind yourself:

  • It’s an act of love
  • It can be done step by step
  • Professional help is available
  • It’s okay to talk about it

Next time someone brings up final expense planning, don’t change the subject. Embrace the conversation.

After all, good planning ensures your final act is one of love and consideration.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, all this talk about planning has reminded me to clean out my fridge!